Build Your Adventure: Campervan Videos, Advice & News

Video: Double Seat Swivel Base Operation and Maintenance
Kiravans Double Passenger Seat Swivels are available for:
VW T5/T6
Trafic / Vivaro / Primastar (2001-2014)
Ford Transit (3rd Generation)

Video: How to Professionally Carpet Line a Campervan Conversion - VW T5/T6
Next up in our van conversion project.. Carpet lining! In this video we show you how to professionally line your campervan, the things to watch out for and the best way to avoid creases. In this VW T5 / T6 van we've used 4-way stretch carpet and Kiravans high temperature adhesive spray. We've also fitted a carpet lined DoorStore storage pocket for a clean finish throughout.

Video: How to Professionally fit VW Van Windows to a VW Transporter T5/T6
We're back with another 'How To' video! This time we go through the process of fitting aftermarket windows to your VW T5 or T6 van / camper van. Mike will take you through the whole process step-by-step, using a variety of cutting tools to show the differences.

Cadac Safari Chef - The Portable Campervan BBQ
This delicious meal is sure to warm you up, as well as giving you an excuse to get your Cadac BBQ out...not that you need an excuse!

Kiravans - Bonded Privacy Campervan Windows
Our privacy windows give you a good source of natural light, the added benefit of ventilation and of course a good degree of privacy, which are all so important if you plan to spend a lot of time in your campervan. Take a close look at our campervan windows in our latest video.

Bonded Privacy Window Fitting - Time Lapse
Convert your panel van into a bright and airy living space by adding Kiravans bonded privacy windows. Check out our latest time lapse video to see how it's done.

Video: Kiravans Ford Transit Custom DoorStore & PanelStore Storage Pockets
Our new Ford Transit Custom DoorStore & PanelStore design originated from our bestselling VW T5/T6 DoorStore. We simply were inundated with re...